Microsoft Disabled Cortana on Android and iOS

Silas Fletcher Avatar
Silas Fletcher
02 Apr 2021
Microsoft Disabled Cortana on Android and iOS image

As Microsoft announced on its website, it would no longer support its voice assistant Cortana on Android and iOS starting from April 1st, 2021. The brand assistant for mobile devices became available to users in 2019, and now it has stopped working. This event did not come as an unpleasant surprise for users, as the company reported its plans last summer. And once again, Microsoft reminded customers about the Cortana closure a week before the scheduled date.

Everything that users created with the voice assistant (notes, reminders, to-do lists) will no longer be available through the Cortana mobile app but will remain on Windows. The company plans to move their assistant to Microsoft 365 services. Don't worry about lost data, as it is all backed up and synced automatically in the Microsoft To-Do planner. Dropping Cortana was a natural step as other assistants are more popular. Now only Siri by Apple, Google Assistant, and Alexa by Amazon are left.

Microsoft also announced that the voice assistant would continue to receive new features and updates for Windows 10 through its store. Already, developers are testing pre-builds and a feature that allows Cortana to search for information using file titles, types, and creator names.

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