Google’s Privacy Chances Are Bound to Profoundly Affect Meta’s Earnings

Silas Fletcher Avatar
Silas Fletcher
23 Feb 2022
Google’s Privacy Chances Are Bound to Profoundly Affect Meta’s Earnings image

Google is planning to make lots of drastic privacy changes in Android OS which can greatly damage Meta’s (formerly known as Facebook) targeted ad revenue. It appears that Google is planning to create new restrictions for apps that share user data with 3rd parties. This data is used by marketers to provide users with highly targeted ads that almost seem like black magic.

These changes in privacy policy were prompted by similar changes made by Apple last year. Many digital marketers were caught unprepared by these changes, resulting in large losses of ad revenue. In their blog post, Google has chastised Apple for bluntly restricting modern technologies that are being used by advertisers and developers. They believe that such actions can result in even worse outcomes for the users as well as for developers.

Google has stated that it will be supporting the current digital ad feature for a minimum of 2 years, which is bound to give marketers enough time to make the necessary changes. Now keep in mind, any changes made in iOS or Android are a source of a major headache for developers and marketers.

These new changes are profound and will greatly affect Meta since it is heavily reliant on using people’s information for its ad business. In February’s report, Meta has stated that its poor financial results were caused by the privacy changes made by Apple. So it’s hard to predict how much worse the situation will be for Meta once Google implements similar changes.

Do you think that such user data should be a closely-guarded secret? Or do you actually enjoy ads that are relevant to your interests instead of being bombarded by random junk? Please, share your thoughts in the comments below.

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