Users Will Be Able to Personalize Their Profile with The Addition of New Gamerpics

Silas Fletcher Avatar
Silas Fletcher
16 Jun 2022
Users Will Be Able to Personalize Their Profile with The Addition of New Gamerpics image

The official Xbox Twitter account has announced that new and reimagined Xbox 360 Gamerpics will be made available for all users.

The response from users has been very positive, with Panda being the crowd’s favorite. With bubble gum boy being the close second.

Just so you know, every Xbox profile has a picture assigned to it that is shown as the Gamertag. This picture can be changed at any time by using a picture from your console or by using a custom image.

If you liked the new Gamerpics, here are the steps you should follow to change it:

  • Press on the Xbox button which will open the guide.
  • Select “My profile” in the “Profile & system”
  • Next, select “Customize profile” where you will be able to find “Change gamerpic”.
  • After that, you can choose one of the offered gamerpics or choose to Upload a custom image.

Many users who wish for their profile to be truly unique go for the “custom image” option. To upload a custom gamerpic, you will have to save one onto a USB device and connect it to your Xbox. All custom images go through a moderation process, so it might take a while for your custom gamerpic to appear. If the image was not approved, your gamerpic will revert to the last one that you used.

Did you like the new gamerpics released by Xbox? Do you usually choose one of the available gamerpics, or do you upload custom ones? Tell us about it in the comment section below.




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