The Spotify App for iOS Finally Has Recent Tracks and Podcast Alerts

Dominic Hargreaves Avatar
Dominic Hargreaves
26 Mar 2021
The Spotify App for iOS Finally Has Recent Tracks and Podcast Alerts image

While the Spotify app seemed as usable as it gets, a leader of the genre, the recent update shows there is always a place to step further. Now accessing the music you like on Spotify is noticeably easier.

First of all, the revamped home screen finally has a decent Recent section. It’s on the top of the suggestions now. Now it’s easier to access the music you have listened to in the latest three months and return to it. The podcasts section is revamped too. Now it displays news on the podcasts that you are subscribed to. If there is a new episode on any podcast that you haven’t seen (or heard) yet, it is marked with a blue dot. Now chances are you won’t miss anything new there. You are also reminded of the podcasts you haven’t listened to the end.

The rest remains the same; maybe it just makes scrolling down a little more. There still are new releases you might like, popular new releases, and collections of artists you have specified as favorites. Suggested playlists and sing-along songs are also down here, with other sections.

As for other improvements, it only lists minor bugs fixed. This is the only change mentioned in the official note on the update on App Store. The rest obviously is supposed to come as normal, though it improves the experience.

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