Spotify App Is Under Review for Android

Dominic Hargreaves Avatar
Dominic Hargreaves
08 Jul 2022
Spotify App Is Under Review for Android image

It is hard to imagine your life without music. Hearing your favorite artist when you work or study gives that vital boost of energy to finish the task. But how is it without music? Well, some Spotify users have been stuck with this problem for a while now.

Recently, Spotify community forums have begun to fill with questions about why the app refuses to work on Android. Users noticed that the program constantly crashed when they entered Spotify or simply didn’t load the main page.

It occurs not on every device but on those that have recently logged out of the accounts. It seems like the issue appears only when you try to log in, so if you want to avoid this problem, you had better keep your accounts up on every device.

Unfortunately, there are no tips on how to fix the existing bug. Usual methods like re-installing the app, rebooting the phone, and cleaning the app cache don’t seem to work. The developers are currently working on figuring out the reason the app keeps crashing, but there are still no apparent conclusions. For now, the best-case scenario is to keep your account logged in to avoid such inconveniences.

We will expect a full report from Spotify in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully, all users will get their listening platform back again, so they can enjoy their favorite music. If you have encountered this trouble, we recommend sending a report to the following Spotify community forum so your problem is settled.

Music is a big part of our lives, and when it is taken from you, you realize how much it means to enjoy something in the background. We can only hope that developers soon will get rid of the problem, so listeners on Android devices can come back to their beloved artists.

Have you got this issue with Spotify? Why do you think it keeps happening? Please, share your thoughts with us in the comments below.


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