Microsoft Viva Insights to Balance Your Work

Dominic Hargreaves Avatar
Dominic Hargreaves
06 Oct 2021
Microsoft Viva Insights to Balance Your Work image

Viva Insights is a Microsoft feature available for Microsoft Teams and Windows Outlook. It has several exceptional functions for improving personal learning, organization, and productivity. Microsoft reports that a new way to find an ideal balance between your work and personal life will appear as a Viva Insights renovation. After the beginning of the pandemic, many people had to get accustomed to working from home. Therefore, this feature is aimed at making the process more manageable.

The release of the update will allow users to turn off the notifications from Outlook and Microsoft Teams on their mobile phones. Commonly, when you spend your free time with family or friends, messages from apps can disturb you and change your focus. At this point, you start thinking about work, not about the people around you. When the notifications are silent, you can spend your time without worries.

You will have the chance to choose special hours for every day when to turn off the notifications. During working hours, you will get messages as usual. Not all accounts have access to Viva Insights; only the Exchange online accounts may use this function. If you need to install this expansion for the company, you can do it from one account. Other workers will get access to it without the additional installation.

The ability to combine productive work and personal life is highly significant nowadays, especially when you work from home. It might be challenging to find this balance in one day. You should search for new solutions all the time. Microsoft also looks for effective ways to help its users with this issue. Silent notifications will be an excellent addition to all Viva Insights' useful features. Have you used Viva Insights before? Do you think the new feature will be helpful? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest, and wait for updates on this topic.

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