iOS Search History Confidentiality is Enhanced

Silas Fletcher Avatar
Silas Fletcher
18 Jul 2021
iOS Search History Confidentiality is Enhanced image

An announcement has been made by Google on its blog, promising improvements to the company’s flagship application in terms of search history security. The changes apply to the My Activity section of the Google app. This is where the so-called Web & App Activity, or search history, is stored.

Users can now choose to add another layer of security to the authentication process in order to prevent individuals from accessing their search histories without their explicit permission. One potential solution for those sharing their devices with others is two-factor authentication.

Another novel feature, the Quick Delete button, enables you to clear your search history from the past quarter hour with just one tap. Now available on iOS, the feature is expected to appear on Android before the end of this year.

The innovation is presumably the result of Google’s effort to meet the Apple privacy standards, which has been extended to include Android as well.

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